Norway flag 3.8.1387-16.2.1814  Norway Paper Money,  Prinsesedler Ca.1815 Issues

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Christian Frederik
16.2.1814 - 3.11.1814

Printer: Unknown

Stattholderbevis (Prinsesedler), Ca. 1815 Issues
P.A17  1 Rigbankdaler
P.A18, NP.A79  5 Rigsbankdaler
Image Courtesy

Mynt & Seddel
Norway Coins, Banknotes Dealer

P.A19, NP.A80  15 Rigsbankdaler
P.A20, NP.A81  25 Rigsbankdaler
P.A21, NP.A82  50 Rigsbankdaler
Image Courtesy

Mynt & Seddel
Norway Coins, Banknotes Dealer


We gratefully acknowledge numismatist Walt Jellum and Karl Sæthre of Mynt & Seddel for providing images and information used in this section.

Norway established their own constitution on May 17, 1814 and the Storting [Parliament] first met in 1815-16.  They sanctioned Norges Bank on 16 June 1816.  Prior to this, Norway was operating as though they had gained independence.  Prince Christian Fredrik, governor of Norway from 1813, was thought to become the King of Norway.  Christian Frederik, cousin to King Frederik VI, as governor of Norway announced 27 Jan. 1814 to issue 3 million Rigsbankdalers in 1, 5, 15, 25 & 50 RBD called "Drafts".

Pursuant to the Treaty of Kiel [hand Norway to Swedish rule] Federik VI recalled his cousin home.  His "governor's drafts" became known as Prince notes.  The text on the note does not state any clear authority or guaranty of any backing.  In mid-April 1814, Christian Fredrik received a furious letter from Carl Johan, a forceful man and successor to the Swedish throne from 1810.  He claimed these notes were counterfeits and anyone in possession of them were forgers.  These notes were burned at Akershus Fort on 19 March 1817 with only a small number surviving.

NP catalog numbers Norseke Pengesedle 1695-2005 med Svalbard og Bjørnøya Sæthre & Eldorsen 2006  Norwegian Banknotes 1696 - 2005 with Svalbard and Bear Island, Karl Saethre and Hans-Gunnar Eldorsen 19th Edition  2006

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Garry Saint, Esquire 1999-2006