Printed Money, 1914 > Issues




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COS, HOG, Prez:
Hilda Cathy

3.1.2024 >

COS, HOG, Prez:
13.1.2020 - 3.1.2024

COS, HOG, Prez:
Hilda Cathy

28.1.2016 - 13.1.2020

MARSHALL ISLANDS Banknotes, Japtan Islands, 1914 > Issues


History: 1526 ESP; 1859 DEU; 1914 JPN; 1920 UNN; 1944 USA; 1.5.1979 Rep.; 22.12. 1990 Final Independence of MHL
No banknotes have been issued for the Marshall Islands as yet. See Tangem below.
Currency History:
JPN 1914-44; USA 1944>
Marshall Islands used Japanese currency from 1914 - 1944

Marshall Islands uses the US Dollar from 1944 >
Usa P.New  20 Dollars 2004EC07869595AC3 H1 H2


Marshall Islands has indicated that they plan to start using Tangem
sovereign (SOV) cryptocurrency in parallel with the US Dollar.

SOV Foundation

Planned Issuance of SOV Cryptocurrency has been approved by the government but start date is still unknown

No Actual SOV Coin or Banknote Representations are known, arbitrary images below
P.UNL 10 SOV Units ND
P.UNL 10 SOV MD Fantasy

Japtan Islands Local Currency

Printer: Local for Japtan 1950's, US Treasury and Tangem for Crypto

SB.1901 - SB.1921 Images Needed

SB.1922a  10 Cents ND(Ca. 1950's)  BH


SB.1923 - SB.1925 Images Needed

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How the Marshall Islands Envisions Its National Currency Dubbed 'Sovereign'


The Japtan Islands banknote shown aboveUSS Estes AGC-12 was printed aboard the USS Estes AGC-12 during the period of atomic bomb testing at Eniwetok atoll in the Marshall Islands. Joseph E. Boling co-author of "World War II Remembered" provided this information about their purpose. "I believe they were actual circulating currency in the exchange system within the task force."

To support this possibility, Larry "Ski" Smulczenski reported on January 18, 2005  in MPC GRAM #1225, the following, "I just found a photocopy of a letter from Captain J. S. Holtwick, Jr. to Rear Admiral C. W. Wilkins dated 4 October 1952. The content is astonishing. 'Dear Admiral Wilkins: The enclosed samples, fresh off the press, of the five different denominations of Recreation Scrip being used for commerce on Japtan Island, might be an interesting souvenir. The natives accept it without demur, in exchange for such locally available examples of native craft as beer, ice cream, and pop. Your enthusiastic support of the project, and the fine backing you and your staff have given me and my people in establishing it, are sincerely appreciated.'  Wow. This seems to be saying that the Japtan notes that we know and have considered to be mostly souvenirs actually circulated in commerce. It also states FIVE different denominations were in use and finally, it was assumed that the admiral would be interested in these as souvenirs. I think that all of this is amazing (the most amazing part is that the letter still exists and has found its way into collectors' hands.)

USS Bairoko CVE-115The back has an atomic graphic and the denomination. It is believed that the signature is that of J.S. Holtwisk, Jr.- Recreation Council Chairman. Examples known to exist are in denominations of 5 Cents, 10 Cents, 25 Cents, 50 Cents and $1.00.  Printed on bond paper, some exist with a postmark thought to be that of the USS Bairoko CVE-115/AKV-15.
Eniwetok is a very small atoll in the Ralik chain. It was occupied by 3,500 Japanese and Korean troops during WWII and was captured by the Allied Army on February 23, 1944. After the war it became a hydrogen bomb testing site.

The Marshall Islands are about the size of Washington, DC and have a population of 58,000. It attained its independence 21.10.1986 and maintains a free association with the US. The US Dollar is currently used as its currency but they are considering Sovereign Cryptocurrency in parallel with the USD.

WWII Remembered SB Numbers

World War II Remembered: History in Your Hands,
a Numismatic Study
C.Frederick Schwan, Joseph E. Boling
BNR Press, ISBN 0-931960-40-1 ©1995

BH  Our sincere thanks to Buddy Hincke for supplying the above banknote image.

Marshall Islands LINKS
Smart Cash AG
Why the Marshall Islands Is Trying to Launch a Cryptocurrency
Bank of the Marshall Islands
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Embassy of RMI to UN
CIA World Factbook - Marshall Islands