Printed Money INDEX
, 1974 > Issues



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COS, King:
 Jigme Khesar Namgyel WANGCHUK
 14.12.2006 >

Queen Consort
Bhutan, Queen:
Jetsun Pema WANGCHUK
13.10.2011 >

28.1.2024 >

Lyonchhen Lotay


འབྲུག་ཡུལ་  BHUTAN Banknotes, 1974 > Issues

Kingdom of Bhutan

History: 1189 Druk Sewa; 1626 Druk-yul; Tributary TIB 1626-1910; 1865 GBR; King.Bhutan 17.12.1907
 The first banknotes attritutable to Bhutan were issued in 1974
Currency History: IND currency until 1974; BTN 1974 >
CHN currency believed to have been used in Parallel with IND currency until 1912
IND currency used until 1974
India Paper Money, 5 Rupees 1871-1915 Issues India Paper Money, 5 Rupees 1919-24 Issues IndP.UNLA7c10Rupees16.1.1901BomaySig.O.T.BarrowCA95PPS.jpg IndP.A19c1000Rupees9.8.1918BombaySIg.H.Denning.jpg
- Page Catalog
Denominations Dates

Issuing Authority

 Royal Government of Bhutan
Bhutan Paper Money - 1974-78 Issues 1 P.1 - P.4 1 - 100 Ngultrum 1974 - 78 Royal Government of Bhutan
Bhutan Paper Money - 1981 Issues 5 P.5 - P.11 1 - 100 Ngultrum 1981 Royal Government of Bhutan
Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bhutan Paper Money - 1985 - 92 Issues 12 P.12 - P.18 1 - 100 Ngultrum 1985-92 Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bhutan Paper Money - 1994 Issues 19 P.19 - P.21 50 - 500 Ngultrum 1994 Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bhutan Paper Money - 2000 Issues  22 P.22 - P.26 10 - 500 Ngultrum 2000 Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
Bhutan 2006-08 27 P.27 - P.34 1 - 500 Ngultrum 2006-08 Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
35 P.35- P.37 5 - 500 Ngultrum 2011-16 Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
New ? When Issued ? ? Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan


CL1  We gratefully acknowledge CL1 for submitting images used in this section.

DC   We gratefully acknowledge Don Cleveland for submitting images and the picture below.

Don made a recent trip to Bhutan and provided these comments. "Bhutan is the most beautiful place in the world.
We watched the three-day royal wedding on TV at our hotels.  It, too, was spectacular!   I'm sure the outside world saw only a few minutes of it.  Bhutan is a true story-book kingdom:  handsome King, loved by his subjects; beautiful Queen, virtually no poverty, everyone living in lovely houses, snow-capped mountains, ...."

Sounds like a Bhutan should be put on my list of places to visit.


Authors: Anil R. Bohora and
Gylfi K. Snorrason
Title: Banknotes of Bhutan
Catalog: ISBN 978-81-7525-881-5
Pages: 137 softcover, full color
Price: US$25 + $6 S&H

Book Review by Peter Symes,
President of IBNS


Bhutan Central Bank

Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan

Bhuta National Bank

Bhutan National Bank
THE AUSTRALIAN An End to the Monarchy?


Kingdom of Bhutan - wikipedia

CIA World Factbook - Bhutan

CIA World Factbook - Bhutan